
What We Offer: Customer Testimonials

QwickRate customers say it best.

Banks and credits unions from all over the country give QwickRate a 98% Customer Satisfaction rating. In their own words, here’s how our premier marketplace helps save time and money.

Signature Bank of Arkansas

QwickRate has been and will continue to be a valuable source for diversifying our funding. The deposits we've raised have helped us reconfigure our balance sheet and better manage assets and liabilities in this lower rate environment. At the same time, we're in a stronger liquidity position for when rates rise.
- Brant Ward, Funding Officer, Signature Bank of Arkansas

Citizens State Bank

The service has become a valuable profit center for our bank over the last 1 1/2 years. Alternative investments don't offer the yield or the ease of acquisition. I am extremely pleased with the service provided by QwickRate and its staff.
- Randy Tegethoff, VP/CFO, The Citizens State Bank, KS

Wyoming State Bank

eContact has made my investing process much easier. It eliminates all the phone calls and the faxes and is so much cheaper than using a broker.
- Gina Vining, Operations Officer, Wyoming State Bank

Fortune Bank

The differentiating factor for us was how user friendly and intuitive the technology is — it makes it really easy for issuers to conduct transactions and report and manage their portfolio.
Eric Jensen, CFO, Fortune Bank

Credit Unions
Eweb Employees FCU

With QwickRate, our return increased by 100 basis points on each investment – that’s $92,000 to our bottom line!
Bob Dempsey, President/CEO, Eweb Employees FCU

Hoosier Hills CU

QwickRate provides you the tools to get the greatest return on your money. You not only get a better rate, but you’re also saving a lot of valuable time.
Tamara Schropp, Accountant, Hoosier Hills CU

United Methodist FCU

QwickRate is a credit union manager’s best friend.
Ramon Noperi, CEO, United Methodist FCU

Section 705 Federal Credit Union

QwickRate is very easy to use and I especially like the automated eContact feature. I love doing business with you guys; you are so helpful and always stay on top of new ideas with technology. A big thank you to your company.
Anna Trahan, CEO, Section 705 Federal Credit Union


QwickRate helps you get the best dividend rate in the market nationwide.  It helps me automate the tracking of my investments and the eContact feature makes transactions simple and easy.
Guylean Cooper, Manager/CEO, Valley Gas ECU

Chabot Credit Union

The way you have kept up with providing a superior product AND services for these last 16 years is so impressive. Thank you!
Larry Schaffer, General Manager/CEO Chabot Federal Credit Union

Other Investors
Upland Hills Health

I really like QwickRate because of the ease of use — I could not manage our CD's without it. The tracking system is wonderful and saves me a lot of time. QwickRate is always thinking of ways to improve the system, like their new eRollover functionality.  It makes my life easier.
Donita Pilling, Accounting, Upland Hills Health


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