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  • Rates are Rising. What's Your Plan?
    Shawn O’Brien, President, QwickRate

    It came as no surprise that the Federal Reserve announced an interest rate increase on March 15, 2017. News and speculation of rate hikes has been circulating for months. But this latest move adds more certainty to conjecture. The following day Kiplinger Staff Economist David Payne wrote, "The Federal Open Market Committee meeting was significant in that the Fed now appears committed to a path of steady rate hikes. It will probably lift short-term rates by 0.25% two more times in 2017, first at its June 14 meeting and next on either September 20 or December 13."
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  • Important Information About Q2 Call Report Filings: Avoid Capital Calculations Errors
    Steve Huntington, Director of Bank Analytic Products, QwickRate

    The new regulatory capital sections of the Call Report are definitely more complicated than prior requirements, and the instructions reflect that. Changes and corrections were being made to the instructions right up until the end of March (further clarifications are still being made) and, as such, some banks were preparing their Q1 Call Report filings off of an earlier version (pre-April) which contained inaccurate calculation steps for certain line items. While the instructions were corrected in the FFIEC's current document (posted in early April), the miscalculations could have negative implications for the affected banks and should be corrected for Q2 filings. This article outlines two of the most prevalent discrepancies that have affected a significant number of our QwickRate bank subscribers.
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  • A Reiteration from the FDIC Concerning Brokered Deposits
    Debbie Walker, Director of Regulatory and Compliance, QwickRate 

    On January 5, 2015 the FDIC released a Financial Institution Letter(FIL) titled Guidance on Identifying, Accepting and Reporting Brokered Deposits. In a Q&A format, the letter answered recurring queries the FDIC had received about whether certain types of deposits are considered brokered and core deposits. The communication prompted some questions among QwickRate subscribers. We are addressing them here.
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  • Bank Valuation: Why and How to Value Your Stock
    Paula S. Johannsen, ASA, CFA, Managing Director, Monroe Financial Partners

    Knowing the value of your institution — and particularly its stock value — can be vital for many reasons. Valuation is often a key consideration in strategic initiatives that can range from mergers and acquisitions to raising capital. If your bank's stock isn't publicly traded, performing valuations internally can be a risky undertaking. When should you seek a qualified, outside resource to perform your stock valuation? This QwickViews article offers some insights, along with an overview of what that process might entail.
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  • QwickRate Comments: The FDIC Study Report on Brokered and Core Deposits
    Shawn O’Brien, President, QwickRate

    Even though the FDIC study (mandated by Dodd-Frank) of core and brokered deposits is complete and the results published, there’s still a lot of confusion floating around the industry. This article separates the facts from fiction. It also outlines how the FDIC evaluates deposits that banks obtain from all sources and what those evaluation mean (especially at exam time).
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  • Clearing up the Confusion: Brokered vs. Non-Brokered Deposits
    Debbie Walker, Director of Regulatory and Compliance, QwickRate 

    Certain situations and circumstances can make deposit classification a difficult task. Get clarification on some of the most common questions we have received on this topic.
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  • Contingency Funding Plans: Common Misconceptions and How to Avoid Them.
    Debbie Walker, Director of Regulatory and Compliance, QwickRate

    This practical guide of common Contingency Funding Plan misconceptions will help your bank bypass or adjust some trouble areas that may currently exist in your plan.
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  • What to Expect When a Bank Fails
    Debbie Walker, Director of Regulatory and Compliance, QwickRate

    Understanding the basics of the bank resolution process that normally occurs when a bank fails will help to alleviate some of the uncertainty and anxiety often experienced in this situation. This article discusses those issues and indicates when you may access your funds.
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Credit Unions
  • Creating a Contingency Funding Plan: Common Problems and How to Avoid Them
    Debbie Walker, Director of Regulatory and Compliance, QwickRate 

    Credit unions should reference this article of best practices when preparing their contingency funding plans. The article outlines common problems that may minimize the effectiveness of your contingency funding plan along with our comments and recommendations.
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  • The Corporate Upheaval: Where Do We Go From Here?
    Shawn O’Brien, President, QwickRate

    NCUA has taken steps to stabilize, resolve and reform the corporate credit union system that will have a direct impact on natural person credit unions. This article reviews some of the issues credit unions may face in the new business model for the corporate system and offers solutions that should be considered to replace or augment corporate services.
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  • What to Expect When a Bank Fails
    Debbie Walker, Director of Regulatory and Compliance, QwickRate

    Understanding the basics of the bank resolution process that normally occurs when a bank fails will help to alleviate some of the uncertainty and anxiety often experienced in this situation. This article discusses those issues and indicates when you may access your funds.
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