

Get the best rates for your CD investments.

“Greatest returns on CD investments.” “Superior product AND services.” “Easy to use.” “You save a lot of valuable time.” Since 1986, CD investors have found a lot to like about QwickRate – the best online rates on CDs, easy access to institutional deposits and more. Schedule a tour today.


QwickRate Marketplace Funding diagram

QwickRate Marketplace –
The Premier Direct CD Investing Source

Great rates. Super tools. Seamless processing. Let QwickRate make your life easier and your yields higher. Just click to find the nation’s best CD rates, then use our automated QwickTools for fast and paperless investing.

  • Connections to over 3,000 pre-screened, FDIC-insured institutions
  • Nation’s best CD rates
  • Unlimited transactions with no third-party, rate stripping, or broker fees
  • QwickTools® simplify the entire process
  • Automated portfolio tracking, month-end accruals and reporting
  • Direct control you’ll love
  • Rate alerts notify you when high rates enter the market
  • Huge time-savings

Connect with banks that are motivated to work with you! Schedule a tour today!

QwickRate Customer Support team

We Got a 10 on our Customer Service Score.

In a recent survey of our customers, 99.6% said our service lives up to their expectations. A whopping 80% gave their experience with QwickRate staff a rating of 10 – and 99% rated us an 8 or above! You can’t get much better than that. But you can be sure we’ll still be trying to. Providing awesome support, at no charge to you, is part of our DNA. We never want to leave a question unanswered. Or even the smallest percentage point unearned.

  • Friendly support from knowledgeable staff
  • Fast response when you need it
  • Answers via phone, email or online chat
  • Rapid start-up program to import your current portfolio
  • Complimentary one-on-one training online
  • Product enhancements and updates are included
  • All part of your QwickRate subscription

Our Satisfied Customers

“Our 5-year agreement paid for itself in 6 months! And, the whole process is wicked easy.“

Jim McGee, VP Administration
Cedar Falls Community CU

“QwickRate has some of the most competitive rates in the business, and the reports and tracking systems are fabulous. I also get daily emails with current rate offerings and reminder emails when a CD is maturing. This helps me stay on top of things.“

Dale Howe, Manager
Logan Medical Federal Credit Union

“We’ve used QwickRate for the last 10 years because they make investing easy, and we get 30 to 40 bps more than going through a broker. We renewed for another 10 years due to their customer service. No one else comes close!“

Mark Fraker, Chief Executive Officer
Chattanooga Federal Employees Credit Union
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